Familias de Cottonwood: ¡Aquí está el horario para que recojan materiales para su estudiante! Lamentablemente, solo podrá recoger materiales para el nivel de grado programado. Si no puede hacerlo durante el tiempo programado, avísele al maestro de su hijo. Miércoles 8/5 recogida del coche: 2do Gr @ 10:30; 4to Gr @ 1:30 Jue 8/6 recogida del coche: 1er Gr @ 9:00 Viernes 8/7 Estacionamiento de jardín de infantes: TK / K @ 9:00 Recogida del coche del viernes 8/7: Mod / Severe y CHAMPS @ 12; 6to Gr @ 1:00 y 5:00; 3er Gr @ 2:00 Lunes 8/10 recogida del automóvil: 5to Gr @ 9:00
over 4 years ago, Cottonwood Elementary School
Cottonwood families: Here is the schedule for you to pick up materials for your student! Unfortunately you will only be able to pick up materials for the scheduled grade level. If you cannot make it during the scheduled time, please let your child's teacher know. Wed 8/5 car pickup: 2nd Gr @ 10:30; 4th Gr @ 1:30 Th 8/6 car pickup: 1st Gr @ 9:00 Fr 8/7 Kindergarten parking lot: TK/K @ 9:00 Fr 8/7 car pickup: Mod/Severe and CHAMPS @ 12; 6th Gr @ 1:00 and 5:00; 3rd Gr @ 2:00 Mon 8/10 car pickup: 5th Gr @ 9:00
over 4 years ago, Cottonwood Elementary School
Good morning Cottonwood families! The office will be closed today from 9 to 10:30 while we virtually attend our all district inservice. Sorry for the inconvenience! ¡Buenos días familias Cottonwood! La oficina estará cerrada hoy de 9 a 10:30 mientras asistimos virtualmente a nuestro servicio de todo el distrito. ¡Lo siento por los inconvenientes ocasionados!
over 4 years ago, Cottonwood Elementary School
¡Hola familias de Cottonwood! ¡Bienvenidos al año escolar 2020-2021! Como sabrán, los maestros volverán a trabajar el lunes 3 de agosto. Se comunicarán con usted a principios de la próxima semana con más detalles sobre el plan de aprendizaje a distancia de su hijo y cualquier recogida programada. Como siempre, puede llamar a nuestra oficina al 760-949-1390.
over 4 years ago, Cottonwood Elementary School
Hi Cottonwood families! Welcome to the 2020-2021 school year! As you may know, teachers will be back to work on Monday, August 3rd. They will be contacting you early next week with more details about your child's distance learning plan and any scheduled pick ups. As always, you can call our office at 760-949-1390.
over 4 years ago, Cottonwood Elementary School
Parents and Guardians, please remember you must update your child's information in the Infinite Campus system. We will be releasing important information in the next weeks about the start of school. You don't want to miss it! Need your Parent Portal Activation Code? Send an email to cottonwoodregistration@hesperiausd.org. Be sure to include your name and child's name. You will be contacted with more information. Once the updates are complete, you will be able to access your child's information for the 2020-2021 school year.
over 4 years ago, Cottonwood Elementary School
Good afternoon Coyotes! Pre-paid yearbooks are available to those who purchased for the 2019-2020 school year. Please call the school office at 760-949-1390 to schedule an appointment for pick up. At this time, we are not mailing them home. Thanks for your understanding!
over 4 years ago, Cottonwood Elementary School
Just a reminder, we will offer an Infinite Campus Parent Portal virtual workshop to help you with any questions you may have about updating your student information. Join us on Zoom this Tuesday, 6/9 at 6pm. Follow this link to access the workshop: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81764047984?pwd=UDBNNGs0eXNOeVN1OGhwQzBZSVpkZz09 Meeting ID: 817 6404 7984 Password: 7hcqGZ
over 4 years ago, Cottonwood Elementary School
Hello HUSD families. As we plan for next school year, we need your input on how best to meet the educational and health and safety needs of our students and families. Please complete the survey below by Friday, June 5th to help us with our planning. Thank you for your time. https://forms.gle/vVebBLcXGr9Gr77P6 Hola familias del Distrito escolar unificado de Hesperia (HUSD). Conforme planeamos nuestro siguiente ciclo escolar, necesitamos de sus aportaciones sobre cómo satisfacer de mejor manera las necesidades académicas, y de salud y seguridad de nuestros alumnos y familias. Por favor, llene la siguiente encuesta a más tardar para el viernes, 5 de junio, para ayudarnos con nuestra planeación. Gracias por su tiempo.
over 4 years ago, Cottonwood Elementary School
Cottonwood families, what a year this has been! No one could have anticipated this would be how we would end our school year. But, what I am sure of, our Coyotes showed us what it means to persevere. We held our heads high and made the very best of it. We appreciate the patience, support and encouragement we received from our parents and students. You all did great with distance learning because you are all Coyote Strong! Students will keep their Chromebooks until school resumes in fall. If your child will not be attending a HUSD school next year, please contact our office to arrange for a drop off appointment. We aren’t sure what the new school year will bring, but have no doubt we will communicate with you as we find out more. Until then, enjoy your summer with the family. Stay healthy, safe and we hope to see you in August. #ItsCottonwood #CoyoteStrong #ImpactTheFutureHUSD
over 4 years ago, Cottonwood Elementary School
Good evening Cottonwood families. Your feedback is extremely important to us. Please take a moment to complete our annual survey and let us know how we are doing. Thank you for your participation and continued support. Visit this link to the Google survey: https://forms.gle/WPieasT2UoTzmx1z5
over 4 years ago, Cottonwood Elementary School
Good morning families. Unfortunately, yearbooks have not been delivered to our site. We received word from the publisher there is a warehouse delay and we do not have an expected shipment date. When they are delivered, we will certainly contact those who purchased a copy and arrange for pick up. We truly appreciate your patience during these extreme circumstances.
over 4 years ago, Cottonwood Elementary School
Good morning. Just a reminder pickups for personal belongings are scheduled for 1st, 2nd, and 5th grades today. Thanks for your cooperation.
over 4 years ago, Cottonwood Elementary School
On Thursday, 5/28 from 5 to 6 pm, we will be celebrating our 6th graders. One carload per family can drive through to pick up student belongings and drop off any text or library books. At the same time, the 6th grade teachers, and other staff will be there to congratulate our 6th graders. During this drive through, students will also receive report cards, any awards earned, and a keepsake made for each student. To make the parade more fun, parents are encouraged to decorate their cars and may also decorate a poster board size (no larger than 22x28 in.) sign for their child. These posters can be attached to the school's front fence by parents on Wednesday, 5/27 after 4pm. We look forward to seeing you there!
over 4 years ago, Cottonwood Elementary School
6th Grade Annnounce
We are so proud of these Cottonwood students who shared their talents with our Coyote community. Please take a look and enjoy our virtual talent show! https://youtu.be/1w11ZL90DtI #ItsCottonwood #CoyoteStrong
over 4 years ago, Cottonwood Elementary School
We are pleased to announce that HUSD Nutrition Services will be serving free summer meals for ALL children ages 1-18! Meals with be distributed at 4 locations: Sultana High, Hesperia High, Cedar Middle School, and Joshua Circle Elementary, starting JUNE 1 - JUNE 25 from 11:00 am - 12:00 pm.
over 4 years ago, Cottonwood Elementary School
Summer Meals
Hi Parents! If you are trying to update your information in Infinite Campus, please use the Infinite Campus Portal and not the Online Registration. If you don't have the key for the Parent Portal, you will be getting a letter with your child's report card next week.
over 4 years ago, Cottonwood Elementary School
Families with students in the Cottonwood Preschool program will be able to pick up any personal belongings on Wednesday, MAY 27th at 2 pm. Please enter the Kindergarten parking lot and remain in your vehicle. A staff member will bring your child's items to your car. Thank you for your cooperation!
over 4 years ago, Cottonwood Elementary School
Cottonwood families, your student may have personal belongings at school that need to be picked up. We will also be passing out report cards and purchased yearbooks. We have a designated scheduled time slot for each grade level. Please enter through the student drop off line and remain in your vehicle. Write your student(s) name(s) on a piece of paper to show the staff. A staff member will bring items to your car. Thank you for your cooperation and we look forward to seeing you there.
almost 5 years ago, Cottonwood Elementary School
P-U Sched
Health Exam form for new TK/Kinder students entering in 2020-2021 school year. https://drive.google.com/open?id=12Z8E0wumUgOGFLMcUGwWFrEKVM5QTtd4
almost 5 years ago, Cottonwood Elementary School
Health Exam