We're hiring teachers! HUSD will be hosting a teacher job fair on March 12th from 4pm to 7pm at the HUSD District Office Annex. We look forward to seeing you there!
1 day ago, Hesperia Unified
Teacher Fair Graphic
6th Grade Parents: Due to popular demand we are adding an additional 6th grade dedication page to the yearbook. We have only 2 spaces left. The cost is $20, first come first serve. If interested, please bring payment to the office. :)
11 days ago, Linda Castro
The CDPH will be holding immunization clinics at the HUSD District office on 03/07, 04/04, 04/30, and 5/16. For more info see attached flyers. Note: This event is not organized or implemented by HUSD.
11 days ago, Hesperia Unified
Spanish Flyer
English Flyer
With the purchase of every ticket, you help us raise funds for our Cheer/Spirit Squads along with you being a part of all the fun that comes with cheering for our team at this special event. With Star Wars Night, we encourage you to dress up as your favorite Star Wars character. Our Cheer/Spirit Squads will be performing during the pregame! With each ticket sold, we have an opportunity to pack the house with Hesperia families. Come support our Hesperia Cheer/Spirit squads and our Ontario Reign. Every ticket counts, let’s do this Hesperia. Let’s show up in full FORCE for our student athletes and have an unforgettable night! Let’s GO Hesperia! Clink the link https://fevo-enterprise.com/event/Hesperiausdcheer
12 days ago, Hesperia Unified
Ontario Reign Star Wars Night graphic
Reminder: Tomorrow is Picture Day!! Spring and 6th Grade Promotion Pictures will be taken. We encourage all students to dress their best. Every student will be photographed, and a QR code for picture ordering will be sent home with the student. Recordatorio: ¡¡Mañana es el día de las fotografías!! Se tomarán fotografías de promoción de primavera y 6to grado. Animamos a todos los estudiantes a vestirse lo mejor posible. Se fotografiará a cada estudiante y se enviará a casa con el estudiante un código QR para ordenar fotografías.
13 days ago, Linda Castro
Spring & Promotion Pictures
We're hiring teachers! HUSD will be hosting a teacher job fair on March 12th from 4pm to 7pm at the HUSD District Office Annex. We look forward to seeing you there!
13 days ago, Hesperia Unified
Teacher fair graphic
HUSD is excited to partner with Think Together to offer fun activities, enrichment and care during the upcoming spring break, March 24-28th. The program is free for HUSD elementary students and transportation is available. For more information, see the attached flyer or visit thinktogether.org/enroll to sign up today! Registration is required.
15 days ago, Hesperia Unified
tt spring break flyer english
tt spring break flyer span
Happy Valentine's Day from 3rd grade! Our 3rd grade coyotes were spreading the love, offering "Free Hugs" during lunch to show Kindness, Connection, and Compassion. What a great way to demonstrate HOWL. #itscottonwood ¡Feliz día de San Valentín desde 3er grado! Nuestros coyotes de tercer grado estaban difundiendo amor, ofreciendo "abrazos gratis" durante el almuerzo para mostrar bondad, conexión y compasión. Qué gran manera de demostrar HOWL. #itscottonwood
25 days ago, Mindy Leyvas
Group Photo
Free Hugs
Yellow Poster
Happy Day
Hug Me
Buenas noches, familias de Cottonwood: Nos gustaría compartir dos recordatorios importantes: 1. Informe de ausencia: si su estudiante está ausente, comuníquese con nuestra línea de mensajes al (#1) y deje un mensaje. Para confirmar el recibo, envíe un correo electrónico a Traci DeFabiis, traci.defabiis@hesperiausd.org. Tenga en cuenta los registros de asistencia se actualizarán dentro de las 48 horas. 2. Objetos perdidos y encontrados: Si a su estudiante le falta algún artículo, visite nuestro 'Carrito de objetos perdidos y encontrados'. Los artículos se pueden recuperar SOLAMENTE después de la escuela. Tenga en cuenta que cualquier artículo no reclamado se donará después del 21 de febrero.
26 days ago, Linda Castro
Good evening Cottonwood families: We would like to share two important reminders: 1. Absentee Reporting: If your student is absent, please contact our attendance message line at (#1) and leave a message. For confirmation of receipt, please email our Attendance Specialist, Traci DeFabiis, at traci.defabiis@hesperiausd.org. Please note, attendance records will be updated within 48 hours. 2. Lost and Found: , If your student is missing any items, please visit our 'Lost and Found cart'. Items can be retrieved after school ONLY. Please be advised that any unclaimed items will be donated after February 21st.
26 days ago, Linda Castro
Attention Basketball parents: 'Basketball practice is cancelled for today 2/13/25. ' Atención padres de baloncesto: 'La práctica de baloncesto está cancelada para hoy 2/13/25. '
26 days ago, Linda Castro
Good morning parents. If you drop your student off in the morning, please do not drop students off on the street. This is very dangerous. We have also received reports that parents are blocking the exit to our parking lot and letting students out of the car. Also, please do not turn left into the parking lot during arrival. Please join the end of the line and use the second lane once you are inside the parking lot. Thank you for helping us keep all students safe! Buenos días, padres. Si deja a su hijo en la mañana, no lo deje en la calle. Es muy peligroso. También hemos recibido informes de padres que bloquean la salida de nuestro estacionamiento y dejan que los estudiantes salgan del auto. Además, no gire a la izquierda hacia el estacionamiento durante la llegada. Únase al final de la fila y use el segundo carril una vez que esté dentro del estacionamiento. ¡Gracias por ayudarnos a mantener seguros a todos los estudiantes!
about 1 month ago, Cottonwood Elementary School
Good morning Coyotes. School is open today! If your student will not be here, please call and leave a message for our attendance specialist. Please drive safely. Buenos días, Coyotes. ¡La escuela está abierta hoy! Si su estudiante no estará presente, llame y deje un mensaje para nuestro especialista en asistencia. Conduzca con cuidado.
about 1 month ago, Cottonwood Elementary School
Good evening families. We will have Kona Ice here tomorrow for Kindergarten, 1st, 3rd, and 5th grade. On Thursday, our TK, 2nd, 4th, and 6th graders will get to enjoy Kona as well. Just as a reminder, we do not accept money in the office. Buenas noches, familias. Mañana tendremos helado Kona para los alumnos de jardín de infantes, 1.º, 3.º y 5.º grado. El jueves, nuestros alumnos de jardín de infantes, 2.º, 4.º y 6.º grado también podrán disfrutar de Kona. Solo como recordatorio, no aceptamos dinero en la oficina.
2 months ago, Cottonwood Elementary School
Parents, this is just a reminder that we do not and will not accept food deliveries for students from outside agencies such as Door Dash, Uber Eats, etc. If you have any questions please call the office. Padres, esto es solo un recordatorio de que no aceptamos ni aceptaremos entregas de alimentos para estudiantes de agencias externas como Door Dash, Uber Eats, etc. Si tiene alguna pregunta, llame a la oficina.
3 months ago, Cottonwood Elementary School
Friendly reminder Coyote families that Friday is a regular day for elementary schools. We dismiss at 1:47 as usual. It is not a minimum day for us, only secondary schools. Enjoy your winter break! We return to school on January 6th. Recordatorio amistoso para las familias de Coyote: el viernes es un día normal en las escuelas primarias. Como siempre, terminamos a las 1:47. No es un día de descanso para nosotros, solo para las escuelas secundarias. ¡Disfruten de sus vacaciones de invierno! Regresamos a clases el 6 de enero.
3 months ago, Cottonwood Elementary School
Great news! Our construction of our new TK building is almost complete. Starting Monday, December 16, 2024, our parents who pick up at D Gate by the Kindergarten building will walk in the same gate, but will exit on the other side by the new building. Please call the office or ask your teacher if you have any questions. We appreciate your patience while we were under construction. ¡Buenas noticias! La construcción de nuestro nuevo edificio TK está casi terminada. A partir del lunes 16 de diciembre de 2024, nuestros padres que recojan a sus hijos en la puerta D junto al edificio de Kindergarten entrarán por la misma puerta, pero saldrán por el otro lado, junto al nuevo edificio. Llame a la oficina o pregúntele a su maestro si tiene alguna pregunta. Agradecemos su paciencia mientras estábamos en construcción.
3 months ago, Cottonwood Elementary School
HUSD families, don't forget about the 2024 Jolly Parade on Friday 12/13/24! The parade carrying Santa, Mrs. Claus and Buddy the Elf will be arriving at Cedar Middle School at 5pm, at Hesperia Junior at 6:15pm and at Ranchero Middle at 7:30pm! Free photos with Santa and candy for all children and food and snacks will be available for purchase! Santa hopes to see you there!
3 months ago, Hesperia Unified
Jolly Parade Flyer
Our Cottonwood Cares drive was a huge success!! Thank you to all of our very generous families for donating. We were able to raise $1794.94 which will provide Christmas meals for our families in need this holiday season. Mrs. Stockman's 2nd grade class collected the most in grades TK-3 with $135. Mrs. Kovach's class collected the most in grades 4-6 with $165. Our Special Education program also participated and Mrs. Rachel Rogers' class collected the most with $80! These classes will get to have either a donut or popsicle party. Great job Coyotes! ¡Nuestra campaña Cottonwood Cares fue un gran éxito! Gracias a todas nuestras generosas familias por sus donaciones. Pudimos recaudar $1794.94 que proporcionarán comidas navideñas a nuestras familias necesitadas durante esta temporada festiva. La clase de 2.º grado de la Sra. Stockman fue la que más recaudó en los grados TK-3 con $135. La clase de la Sra. Kovach fue la que más recaudó en los grados 4.º a 6.º con $165. Nuestro programa de educación especial también participó y la clase de la Sra. Rachel Rogers fue la que más recaudó con $80. Estas clases tendrán una fiesta de donas o paletas. ¡Buen trabajo, Coyotes!
3 months ago, Cottonwood Elementary School
HUSD families, don't forget about the 2024 Jolly Parade on Friday 12/13/24! The parade carrying Santa, Mrs. Claus and Buddy the Elf will be arriving at Cedar Middle School at 5pm, at Hesperia Junior at 6:15pm and at Ranchero Middle at 7:30pm! Free photos with Santa and candy for all children and food and snacks will be available for purchase! Santa hopes to see you there!
3 months ago, Hesperia Unified
Jolly Parade Flyer